Ross Cribb

Ross Cribb

Rev. Ross Cribb grew up in a mildly religious family (his parents were actively involved with the United Church) as the youngest of four sons. Being liberal minded, and living in Greater Vancouver, Canada, his parents allowed their sons to form their our own opinions about God. By his teenage years Ross was an atheist and excelled in science at school. While at university he became disillusioned with science and began exploring spirituality, as opposed to religion. During this time Ross switched his major from science to philosophy, eventually obtaining a degree in philosophy. As time went on he attended spiritual retreat centers, joined meditation groups, and dabbled in tai chi and yoga, all the while maintaining an interest in science. One workshop that shook his foundation was a Zen retreat, and it subsequently served as a backdrop against which to gauge his ideas.

Knowing that he didn't want the trappings of a conventional life, Ross remained single and drifted along seeking a spark to ignite his passion. Employment regularly switched between social work and business administration (never keeping a job for more than 5 years, and usually much shorter). However, Ross' primary motivation was to find answers to big questions and to find greater purpose in his life. He describes this period as neither persistently happy nor sad, but knew there was more to life than what he was experiencing. The Zen phrase “Live in the Moment” became Ross' motto but he struggled to maintain it for any length of time. As an avenue for self-healing, he enrolled in an energy healing school with no desire to make it his profession. However, from the healing school he did get a framework with which to understand personal issues, namely Energy Dynamics. Expanding these ideas to be more consistent with scientific thinking was not the school’s goal, but it became Ross' and it has become a important purpose in his life. Again, taking Zen as a base point, he developed a model to explain Zen, spirituality, Energy Healing and basic human behavior. As a transition from more conventional employment to a more fulfilling career, he became an ordained minister for the Inner Focus Church. "Live in the Moment, Including Zen and the Art of Healing" is the product of this journey of discovery. The bulk of the writing, and half of the book's story, occurred while living in Japan. For Rev. Cribb, it was idyllic to write this book in the country that is the heartland of Zen, and it provided a marked contrast to Western norms. Ross currentlly lives in Japan with his wife and son.

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