Simon Brown

Simon Brown

I started macrobiotics in 1980 when challenged by my sister, Melanie to try it for three months. Within weeks I was feeling so much better I knew I could not go back to my old foods.

This led to me taking macrobiotic cooking classes, learning shiatsu and immersing myself, with some skepticism, in macrobiotic philosophy. In 1984 I gave up my job as an engineer and moved from London to Philadelphia to help Denny Waxman run the Macrobiotic Association of Pennsylvania. During this time I was able to study and work with Michio Kushi, Aveline Kushi, Herman Aihara, Shizuko Yamamoto and a huge range of prominent macrobiotic teachers.

I am currently the chairperson of the Macrobiotic Association of Great Britain and Feng Shui Society of Great Britain. I run an internet discussion group with Melanie and my partner Dragana. Dragana and I also run a macrobiotic food store and café in London. I am still busy helping people start macrobiotics, providing feng shui consultations and giving healing sessions as well as teaching students to become practitioners.

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